Since the inside of the truck is full of groceries and the bed has livestock feed, I'll give you a light mystery to solve today. I've three cranky children and no one wants me to put my shopping items away let alone blog. It's going to be a rough few hours and they aren't the only ones pooped and cranky.
See this chandelier that hangs above our kitchen table?
Who done it?
Those of you who have been following this blog have a great advantage I admit having learned the personalities of these three for of the three it can only be the one that did it. Her personality is a give away. I'm still wondering why she did it and how she even knew it unscrewed. It's what made a trip to the next much larger town over such a tiring adventure. She's good, just extremely busy and wants to touch everything.
Have you got one of these extremely tactile children in your household? This grandchild's mom was the same way.
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