There are definite signs that spring is here if you look carefully, real carefully. For you might wonder otherwise because the snow is still flying and the wind often has a definite bite to it. But there is some green grass starting to poke through the washed out brown stubble and birds are returning such as the robins and meadowlarks.
The flowers in this bed the robin is looking back at are peaking through the ground promising better weather is on its way. Just not how soon.

And our middle grand daughter discovered the first dandelion of the year in our yard. I've not seen one since this one was found last week but I'm sure more will come.

Babies are starting to appear in our barnyard. This is Doc as in Chicory
Dickory Doc. Alright, it actually is hickory
dickory dock but we don't have a a hickory just a goat named Chicory and this is her son shortly after he was born.

Another sign spring is here is the chalk art on our driveway. It appears when the winter sleds
So there you have it, signs of spring.
Now jaunt over to Brenda's Photo Challenge and see what others have come up with.
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