Cream cheese went on sale again at my buying price - ninety-nine cents. I couldn't resist. Six more packages were added to the five already in my refrigerator. I didn't feel an ounce of guilt since the holidays are coming up and I've scads of recipes that call for cream cheese and many more I want to try like cheesecake ice cream.
When I told my daughter what I'd done, she at first thought I'd lost it but did as I recommended and checked the expiration date on the packages in the store near her. She found they also said January and February like ours, plenty of time in which to use up eleven packages of cream cheese. Especially when we'll be using it in mash potatoes for it gives them such creamy texture to pour turkey gravy over, and Kirk will insist I frost the pumpkin cake in the freezer with cream cheese frosting. Not to mention the lemon cheesecake I'll probably make sometime during the holidays and the raspberry breakfast coffee cake that has a cream cheese filling. My husband would not think Thanksgiving was complete if we didn't have his favorite cream cheese dip served on crackers. On second thought, maybe I didn't buy enough. I'd better keep my eye out for another sale.
But what I wanted to share with you was my experience creating cheese cake ice cream. I'd found a recipe for it about a year ago and tucked it into my cookbook cupboard. Or had I? I couldn't find it so off to the internet I went. I must of looked through ten different recipes and they called for condensed milk along with regular milk or half and half. That wasn't quite what I had in mind but I picked out the out two recipes that appealed to me the most. Then re-glanced at the others to determine the similarities and differences between the recipes. With a general gist of how to make cheesecake ice cream, I then pulled out my old Betty Crocker cookbook and glanced through the page featuring the French Vanilla Ice Cream. It looked like I could take bits and pieces of the two cheese cake recipes and the Betty Crocker one and combine them. I was determined to not use condensed milk and drop the amount of sugar the cheesecake recipes called for by substituting goat milk and cream to add richness.
It worked out perfectly and my husband gave it raving reviews for texture and taste. Besides I was able to use some overly browned molasses cookies I had in the freezer so it was a win win dessert. But enough talk, I had better give you my recipe.
I put 1 cup of goat milk in a sauce pan and brought it to a simmer. Meanwhile in a mixing bowl I put three egg yolks with a half a cup of sugar and beat them together.
When the milk was hot, I poured a small stream into the bowl of eggs and sugar while beating it with a mixer. The trick is to pour slowly enough that you don't cook your eggs too quickly which results in little yellow clumps. If that happens strain them out and continue.
* 1 cup goat milk
*3 egg yolks
* 1/2 cup sugar
I put this mixture back into the saucepan on a low temperature and slowly heated it until it coated the back of a spoon. Then I removed it from the stove and poured it into a mixing bowl to which I added two cups of chilled cream. This stops the cooking action. I didn't add the cream to my sauce pan because a small amount had stuck to the bottom of the pan and I didn't want it to make clumps in my ice cream. Also, I don't like using a mixer in my good sauce pans. This first part of cream cheese ice cream went into the refrigerator to chill overnight.
The next day with a hand mixer, I combined two eight ounce packages of cream cheese, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Then added the chilled mixture from the day before and whipping them together thoroughly.
*2 - 8 ounce packages of cream cheese
* 1/2 cup of sugar
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
*1/4 cup lemon juice
* a pinch of salt
The liquid ice cream I placed in my ice cream freezer can and after the dasher and lid were in place, I packed the salt and ice around it. My old ice cream maker requires that I stay close at hand despite the fact I can barely handle the noise of it. But once in a while, the ice will wedge against the can and stop it from turning requiring me to hurriedly unplug it and shake the whole thing to relocate the ice clumps. I really should look into a smaller, new ice cream maker. I then put the ice cream in a container in the freezer. It harden a bit further and was ready to scoup out in creamy curls when my husband came home from work.
To use up those overly browned molasses cookies I put them in the blender until they were crumbs. And after I'd fed my husband supper, I layered the ice cream, molasses cookie crumbs, and raspberries in a ice cream dish and watched his face for his reaction. He told me to quit staring at him.
The rest of the crumbs I'm going to make a crust for lemon cheese cake. I could have used overly browned sugar or oatmeal cookies, even chocolate cake but I had a bag of molasses cookies in the freezer my family wouldn't eat as they prefers theirs soft and chewy.
For those of you without goats, substitute milk and heavy cream from the store. I don't see why it wouldn't work. Next time, I'm going to make a thickened mixture of either raspberries or strawberries like you would if you were making pie filling and swirl it into the ice cream right before I place it in the freezer.
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