My umph has gone up and left. I haven't even made the pie crust yet. I had good intentions then three tow headed boys showed up in my backyard just aching to help me unload wood last evening. I couldn't say no. I'd then have to do all the work myself. Besides wasn't it teaching them good manners to help the little old lady down the street. Me silly. Okay I'm not little or gray haired but I'm feeling mighty old right now after cleaning the chicken coop, the goat shed, and unloading lots of wood yesterday. So I enthusiastically agreed to allow them to help. After all doesn't it take a neighborhood to bring up a child and how dare me to be derelict in my duty to teach them the rewards of hard work.
The oldest was 13 and the youngest 9. The kids asked me how old I was and then the oldest informed me that I was mighty spry for my age. Fifty must seem ancient to them. I guess I am a grandma. Their dad said I couldn't pay them so as a reward they received a large piece of oatmeal cake.
Despite how achy I'm feeling, I'd best speed things up and head back out again to finish unloading wood before the sun sets. This was just suppose to be a brief old ladies break. The weather man is still calling for snow tomorrow and then I can putter in the kitchen finish painting it and do some baking. So I'd best run but I'll be back soon. You can count on it. I haven't the energy to stay outside much longer. Then I'll finish this post for sure.
Since the sun was shining so warmly today, I had no excuse to put off once more trimming Chicory's feet. She is a purebred Nubian that was culled from a prestigious show herd due to the fact that her hind pasterns tip out mildly. It isn't a fault in the breeding line so we brought her home. She does require frequent hoof trimmings to keep those pasterns up close to where they belong.
As you can see I've been a bit neglectful. I should have scooped out the dirt that was impacted in the hoof and you could have gotten a better idea how long her feet are. Then again do I really want you to know just how bad an owner I've been. Not really. I do want you to know at what lengths I had to contort over backwards to hold her hoof and move the camera far enough away to get a good shot and the right angle. I know there is zoom on the camera lens but who's going to twist it? My hands are already busy one holding the camera and the other her hoof? Kirk doesn't trim hooves. That's okay, I need him more for other tasks I can't do alone or at all.
Try wearing shoes with the high heel under the ball of your foot instead of under your heel and you'll get an idea of what goat's have to contend with when their feet have grown too long.
Before beginning to trim make sure the goat is standing on a fairly level surface and that they are standing square when you're eyeing the angles.
On Chicory's hooves I have to leave the heels just a bit long to keep the walls parallel with her coronary band.
Also her back pasterns tip out just a bit so I try and trim the inside half of the hoof just a hair shorter than the outside which is tough to do since her hooves tip under on the outside. That's why I should have trimmed her hooves sooner to keep those hooves from tipping anymore than they already are.
Another really important reason to keep up on hoof trimming. The blood vessels will extend downward into the over grown area. You then can't trim as far back as necessary to give the goat a level hoof or you will cause bleeding, lameness, and possible infection as the goat will go back to walking on a dirty surface.
Hooves like this must be trimmed back a little at a time to the pink look but not beyond. The blood vessels will recede with frequent trimmings. But if the goat is left too long without being trimmed the hoof can become permanently warped and no amount of trimming will completely correct the damage.
Just like in any other animal a more correct conformation usually means a longer more productive life so it is imperative to keep those feet trimmed and the pasterns up where they belong.
If I was heading for a goat show I would use a plane to round the toes and make everything a little prettier but I haven't the tool though someday maybe I'll get one. Then again I can't stand to file my own nails, I'm not sure if I can a goat's. Okay, I know that's strange but what is is and until I can get over it the goats won't have planed feet.
Then when your done with the hooves and you have the hoof trimmers out, snip the dewclaws back if they are overly long.
Right now this old lady, because in reality I can't say little when I'm not, is going to put her pajamas on and put her feet up. Good night to you all.
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