Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sorry, for the silence. I'm doing an in depth under study on yo yo's. I'm getting dizzy but I can't stop.
We had a lovely weekend with our oldest daughter in Colorado and then came home Sunday night just in time to throw a barbeque for the grandkids and set off fireworks. Our youngest grand daughter and I then spent the night snuggled together, her coughing, tossing and turning while her sister's slept in their bedroom across the hall.
Monday my dad ended up in ICU and I've been running back and forth between him and the grandkids. As I aluded to before our youngest grandchild has a bronchial flu along and on top of the high fevers she's cutting five teeth all at once, two are molars. She had only four teeth to begin with and so this will more than double the total. Then today after I got home from the 80 mile trip to the hospital, I spent the afternoon with our daughter's ex-relatives.

As you can see my life is a bit out of control. I've longed to blog but just not a moment to do so. Be patient please, I've done a couple fun and exciting things one of which is make rose pedal jam right after getting home from our daughers but alas no time to write about it.
I'll try and get something up tomorrow but I'm babysit from 6:30 am to 11pm so it's going to be a challenge between keeping tabs on the two ends of the age spectrum, my Dad and holding our ill youngest grand daughter. Till tomorrow, sweet dreams if your not already asleep. I'm praying for the opportunity to get more than four hours sleep tonight for the nine hours combined I've had in the last two just isn't enough. I've company again tonight with our youngest grand daughter sleeping over.

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