Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brenda's Photo Challenge

Brenda's photo challenge was the color Orange. Some of you saw this last week oops!, I was a week early. If you've been following my posts you know I'm barely hanging on right now with the work load and confusion reins. But I promise when the kids are off to a birthday party today, I'll get a post up about sack lunch ideas to make up for yesterdays silence. It was just all I could do to hang on and posting didn't get done. I've been working on a list of ideas for lunches so I don't have to think to hard when night time comes around. Many of you know how difficult night time can be with three small children, supper, baths, home-work, livestock chores, and preparation for the next morning. So while I put my disasterized house in a assemblance of order this morning, take a quick peek again at the photos and come back later this afternoon. I'll have my idea list up.Sunrise just over the hill.

Peaches always look so warm and inviting, a reward for all the hard work canning them.
Unfortuneately, no pumpkins in my patch this year but we'll have to depend on the store for our pumpkins this year.

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