Besides the children's nativity, where each night the kids would act out the Savior's birth with the figurines, we had a plastic jug that housed gifts for him. After all we get gifts, how could we not have gifts for the Savior. It's His birthday. On slips of paper we wrote acts of kindness that each had given to another. In the scriptures it says, "If ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." So when the kids or Kirk and I did something special for another, someone who notices brought it to my attention and I wrote out a slip naming the gift.
One of my favorite presents was the little stuffed dog for our youngest grand daughter. She loved it, petting and hugging it just as she does our live cat, Reginald.
For her birthday, in a couple weeks, she will receive a grey stuffed cat made by the same company as the dog (Think they'll fight?), along with her first quilt for her grown up bed at her mom's.
This is the quilt completed. Yes, this quilt was originally suppose to go on one of the twin beds at our home, but... I didn't get this one finished in time to work on another for a birthday present for our youngest grand daughter and so this one became her present.
I'm always thinking I'll get more accomplished than what I do. I did start this one in September and I thought it would be done the end of October. Yeah, right, oh well, I have one older than that still in pieces that I started last winter. It's about half done. It will be the next sewing project and then I 'll finish the sweatshirts I've three-fourths done for Kirk, that I started the winter before last. My oldest daughter calls them UFO's or unfinished objects. I'm probably not alone in having a pile of them. Every January I pull some of them out and work, completing a few more and moving a few more forward toward completion before they are tucked away again. Such are the sweatshirts for Kirk. I had bought a stack of of this special heavy flannel fabric. It's made in a foreign country now and so I can no longer get factory bolt ends of it. I figured I'd assembly line the shirts and get all the fabric sewn up. I'm almost done, just three or four to put the ribbing on. Then they were buried in favor of a more pressing project.
You know how it is. I'm determined not to have the double thick mittens I started the beginning of November to end up in the UFO pile. I worked on them again the other day, BUT
our oldest daughter came home for Christmas and there is this scarf I want to make and I can't read a pattern worth a hoot. She can. So not to miss an opportunity, I started on the scarf. Since I've done so much frogging, (Don't you just love that word?) it will be a while before I'm done. WHAT?, a few of you may be saying. Frogging is when you—rip it, rip it, rip it ( say it out loud). Remember, I learn by doing everything wrong before I finally figure out how to do it right. Hence, stubbornness is my greatest asset.
our oldest daughter came home for Christmas and there is this scarf I want to make and I can't read a pattern worth a hoot. She can. So not to miss an opportunity, I started on the scarf. Since I've done so much frogging, (Don't you just love that word?) it will be a while before I'm done. WHAT?, a few of you may be saying. Frogging is when you—rip it, rip it, rip it ( say it out loud). Remember, I learn by doing everything wrong before I finally figure out how to do it right. Hence, stubbornness is my greatest asset.
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